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In order to ensure that we are able to assist in the provision of education, training and healthcare projects, which will help our beneficiaries to generate sustainable income and be self-sufficient, I am Somebody's Child Soldier has partnered with a local Ugandan NGO, called Volunteer Action Network (VAC-NET) to help fund business skills/development training, money management training, leadership skills and micro-loans for the beneficiaries identified through FIDA.

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VAC-NET is an NGO working to empower under-served women and youth in northern Uganda, many of whom are former child soldiers and victims of war, through socio-economic and health education programs, specifically through their Credit Plus program which combines microcredit services with literacy, leadership development, health and basic business education, an Agro-program (which supports women farmers by offering agricultural loans and training in northern Uganda), an adult literacy program and HIV/AIDS prevention program.

VAC-NET Website
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By providing training/financial education,credit and peer support in areas with limited to no banking services, IAMSCS aims to promote women’s economic participation and reintegration into society.

With your support,we can make a direct impact on the lives of female victims of war. Please help us to achieve this by donating

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According to the UN's Capital Development Fund, impact studies have demonstrated that:

1. By supporting women's economic participation, micro-finance helps to empower women, thus promoting gender-equity and improving household well-being.

2. Micro-finance helps poor households fulfil basic needs and protect against risks.

3. The use of financial services by low-income households is associated with improvements in household economic welfare and enterprise stability or growth.

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